On 18 July 2022 the ASG launched a public consultation process of its Amphibian Conservation Action Plan (ACAP) Status Review. The public consultation was open for a period of four weeks, and closed on 15 August 2022.
We are in the process of collating and organizing all feedback received to send on to respective chapter authors. Once chapter authors receive feedback there will be a period of four weeks to incorporate this feedback into their respective chapters and answer comments received. After this process, authors will send us their revised chapters and we will again collate a single volume which will then be sent out to official peer reviewers for their review. After the formal peer review, feedback will once again be sent to respective chapter authors for any further revisions. Revised chapters will then be assembled into a final version that will be sent for graphic design, after which there will be a chance for final corrections prior to the official launch of the Status Review. The diagram below provides a summary of next steps, which are estimated to take an average of four weeks each.
We at ASG are very grateful for all of the feedback generously provided through the open consultation, by everyone with an interest and concern for amphibians.
If you only found out about the ACAP Status Review recently you can access the preprint here.
If you and/or your organization would like to join efforts to support the development and implementation of ACAP, please get in touch with us at asg[at]amphibians.org.
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