The third Global Amphibian Assessment (GAA3) began officially in 2024 and is planned for five years, with the GAA4 planned for 2029-2033.

The New GAA Strategy

The new GAA Strategy builds on the approaches and expert networks of the first two cycles of the GAA. Among its goals are reducing delays to first-time assessments of recently described species, improving the understanding of climate change effects on amphibian extinction risk, and increasing the inclusion of assessment data into planning and conservation programs at national and regional levels.

Key elements of the new strategy are:

  • Each GAA cycle will last for five years. 
  • Threatened species will be assessed each GAA (5-year cycles), and non-threatened species will be assessed at least every other GAA (10-year cycle).
  • New species will be assessed within two years of being described.
  • The GAA will coordinate and collaborate with national and regional-level assessment processes, wherever possible.
  • The Green Status of 12% of amphibian species is planned to be completed by  2033.
  • Increasing the number of GAA regional partner institutions involved in implementing and funding GAA initiatives.

Join the GAA Partnership! 

If you are interested in getting involved in the GAA or exploring becoming a GAA Institutional Partner, contact ARLA Global Coordinator Janice Chanson ([email protected]).