Today, a special issue of the New Zealand Journal of Ecology was released in honor of former ASG Co-Chair, Phil Bishop. While Phil’s research and conservation work was truly global, much of his focus in the last two decades was on the ecology and conservation of New Zealand’s endemic frogs (Leiopelma spp.), the subject of this special issue. The papers published today include those authored by Phil’s postgraduate students and colleagues, and many include work that was left unfinished at Phil’s sudden death. All of the papers will contribute to informing future conservation efforts for these species.
As summarised in the editorial piece, “while New Zealand’s frogs have lost one of their strongest and most vocal advocates, the papers in this issue illustrate the projects, people and ecological knowledge that were all touched by Phil Bishop’s life and work. He has left a legacy of work and wisdom that will continue for years to come. He will never be forgotten by those of us that were lucky enough to know him.”

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