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Amphibian conservation, particularly among vertebrates, is encompassing ever increasing importance and urgency worldwide. The rally call is emanating out to all those with an interest in this unique class of vertebrates and increasingly groups are assembling to fight for their importance as species and document, defend, salvage and recover their loss—a testament to these efforts can be seen in every issue of FrogLog.
As knowledge of their declines grows and people become more educated of their particular causes this often elicits efforts to become involved. It cannot always be burdened upon experts (always a limited resource) to take action but more and more a concerted effort between stakeholders (professional and nonprofessionals a like) to help move a worldwide conscience for animal conservation and habitat protection efforts (e.g., for this issue see articles starting on pages 34, 48 and 55, among others).
We as a world community must awaken to the stark reality of what is happening in the world around us and the continued loss of animal species and habitats. The fight is clear: if individuals, groups and greater spheres of influence are not awaken and positive action decisively taken quickly to save species then ever increasing species and habitats will continue to decline. We the human species, have a moral responsibility to clearly see what it is we want to become as a world. The vision needs to be clear and progress measured in reasonable ways and involvement by all stakeholders and interested individuals maximized for the protection and securing of animal populations and habitats globally.
The Earth and its life live in the greatest and the most challenging times of its history. Humankind has the ability and means for vast changes and improvement for a more desirable world which includes protection for species great and small. FrogLog is a tremendous beacon and guidepost for change and involvement from the amphibian conservation macrocosm.
Read FrogLog, pass it to others, and become involved in more meaningful ways. We all have our talents; please contact those in need through the pages of FrogLog and lend a hand; you will be glad you did. Pick you fights and pick them well. Do you have a favorite group, species or habitat? Then learn and spread your passion until your sphere of influence believe as you do. This is not an easy task, but nothing worthwhile ever is easy. But more importantly, never ever give up, and continue in your fight for protection of beauty in all the world. The staff of FrogLog, the Amphibian Specialist Group (ASG) and Amphibian Survival Alliance (ASA) will be your inspiration and guides as we do this noble task of Earth protection together—saving amphibian species and all life on Earth for generations to come!
Humankind holds the future of biodiversity in its hands; let all the world come together to help make a favorable future, with greater diversity and opportunities for all life.
Join with us in this action.
3 Editorial
4 ASG Membership Update
4 Online Action Plan Library Continues to Grow
5 Updates from Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust
5 New Amphibian Survival Alliance Website
6 Symposium: The Global Amphibian Conservation Action Plan: Connecting systems, disciplines and stakeholders to save amphibians worldwide
8 A New Association for Amphibian Conservation to Accelerate Progress and Assist the Amphibian Specialist Group Madagascar
9 The Survival of the Earth Depends on Frogs
10 Formation of the Global Ranavirus Consortium
12 Camouflage and the Amphibia
15 The Global Bd Mapping Project: Update 2013
17 Dramatic Decline of Fire Salamander Populations (Salamandra salamandraterrestris) in the Netherlands
19 Great Crested Newts (Triturus cristatus): Juvenile Terrestrial Ecology
21 Salamandra algira spelaea: A Vanishing Salamander to Protect
23 NaturaServis s. r. o.: Successful Story from the Czech Republic
24 Life History and Conservation of Spadefoot Toads (genus Pelobates) in Romania
27 Aridification, Phenotypic Plasticity and the Fate of Mediterranean Amphibians
30 Urban Amphibians and the Challenges they Face: Connectivity of a Small Community of Amphibians During Spring Migration in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands
35 WWF’s Program for Amphibian Wetlands in Finland
36 Successful Breeding of Neurergus kaiseri in the Gerhart-HauptmannSecondary-School Gelsenkirchen, Germany
38 Awareness and Citizen-based Initiatives in Madagascar Boost the Conservation of its Endemic Amphibians
41 Ngome Forest, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa: Long Term Survey of Amphibians
43 Reptile and Amphibian Program— Sierra Leone
44 Unsutainable Hunting Jeopardizes the Future of Edible Frogs in Cameroon—What Can Local NGOs Do?
46 Tapping into Amphibian Conservation
48 African Journal of Herpetology Celebrates John Poynton
49 Early Detection of Amphibian Chytrid Fungus in Madagascar is Possible Through International Wildlife Trade Surveillance
50 The Harlequin Mantella Mantella cowanii in Antoetra Region, High Plateau of Madagascar: New Steps in Conservation
52 Saving a Frog Leads to Increased Livelihoods and Pride in Fohisokina
54 Ongoing Atlasing of the Amphibians in Southern Africa: The FrogMAP Virtual Museum
57 Jumping in to Frog Conservation: A New Program for the Endangered Wildlife Trust, South Africa
59 African Amphibians Lifedesk: An Online Gateway for Information Regarding African Amphibians