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Amphibian conservation is about more than just avoiding extinction or talking about what is going wrong—it is about motivating others. It is about shining the spotlight on projects that are working and thereby providing a model to copy and implement elsewhere. This edition of FrogLog is about these amphibian conservation success stories. These stories range from protecting, restoring or creating habitats to captive breeding and releases, as well as the implementation of conservation education and awareness programs.
This edition of FrogLog is also about the power of collaboration. Our ability to achieve these conservation successes depends on our willingness to collaborate with others. The issues facing amphibians are dynamic and interrelated. It is very rare that you have a single organization or individual with the resources and the ability to single-handedly and effectively tackle the combination of these issues.
Organizations with a vested interest in conservation are constantly understaffed and underfunded. The ability to pool these resources together through collaborative efforts becomes an extremely powerful and effective conservation tool. Each organization or individual that comes together on a project brings their own unique set of diverse skills and strengths to the table that when combined, can achieve great things.
George Bernard Shaw wrote, “If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.”
As the new IUCN quadrennium gets underway, it is my pleasure and honor to extend a warm welcome to the over 400 members of the Amphibian Specialist Group. Each of you brings to the group a diverse range of skills, approaches and backgrounds, which makes the ASG a truly global authority on amphibian research and conservation.
Over the course of the next four years we look forward to working together with all of you to develop even more amphibian conservation success stories. And we encourage you to share your success stories with us—we want to hear from you and we want to help share your stories with others.
Download a low resolution version of FrogLog here or the full version from our Issuu page here.
3 Editorial
4 Membership Update
6 How To Engage In Policy Without Staff?
7 We Want To Help Your Conservation Project
8 FrogLog and Alytes
8 Regional ASG Update—Peru
10 2012 Amphibian Conservation Accomplishments in AZA Institutions
14 Proactive Conservation of Malagasy Frogs: Development of Probiotic Conservation Strategies
16 Amazing Amphibians
17 The Spiny Giant Frog
17 The Hellbender
19 Evidence for Amphibian Conservation: A Global Synopsis
20 The SPLAT Project: Mitigating Amphibian Road Mortality in the Clayoquot Sound UNESCO Biosphere Reserve
23 Salamander Watch
24 “A Small but Beautiful Bit of Light:” Citizen Science for Amphibian Conservation in Southwest New Hampshire
28 Wetlands Restoration: Crafting Successful Messages for the Public
31 Promoting Amphibian Conservation Through the College Classroom
34 Anuran Monitoring in the Sierra Nevada, California, U.S.
37 Topsin-M®: How One Pesticide is Changing How We Look at Amphibian Toxicology
39 Monitoring Environmental Pollution and Sublethal Effects in Giant Toad from Coatzacoalcos, Mexico
41 Implementing Recovery Actions for the Threatened Coquí Guajón (Eleutherodactylus cooki): Where to Start?
43 A Unique Collaboration
46 Preventing Amphibian Extinction in Honduras: Establishment of the Honduras Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Center
53 Captive Breeding of the Frog Mannophryne herminae (Anura: Aromobatidae) and Releases to the Wild in Venezuela
55 Amphibians of the Tama National Park: Hidden Biodiversity and New Salamander Species from Colombia
58 Lethal and Lovely: An Interview with the Founders of the Golden Poison Frog Reserve
60 Ecosystem Services Provided by Neotropical Amphibians and Reptiles: A General Overview
62 The Importance of Floating Meadows for Amphibians in a Flooded Forest
65 Monitoring an Endemic Amphibian Along a Natural Gas Pipeline in the Peruvian Andes
69 The 2012 Field Course on Amphibian Conservation in Peru
70 Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Peru
72 Agricultural Frontier Expands on par with Constraints to Protect Amphibians and Reptiles
73 Some Updates in the Conservation of Bolivian Amphibians
75 The First Ramsar Sites for Conserve One Community Amphibians In Mexico
79 The Catalogue of Colombian Amphibians and Reptiles